73: The Evolution Of The “Human Dimension” And Helping Clients “Live Big” with Dave Yeske

73: The Evolution Of The “Human Dimension” And Helping Clients “Live Big” with Dave Yeske

Everything changed during FPA Retreat in Cheyenne County, Colorado in 1995. A presentation was given that generated a buzz around the entire conference. This presentation was the first of its kind. Up to that point, the focus of these gatherings, conferences and presentations was the continued honing of technical knowledge. But, this presentation by George …

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72: The Power Of Finding Flow For Advisors And Clients with Dr. Jordan Hutchison

72: The Power Of Finding Flow For Advisors And Clients with Dr. Jordan Hutchison

Think back to a time when you were “in the zone.” A time when you were completely immersed and focused on what you were doing. Psychologists refer to this as “flow.” It’s a state of mind that athletes and creative artists describe when they’re operating at their peak. A flow state elicits greater enjoyment, energy, …

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71: 9 Guiding Principles For The Human Side of Advice

71: 9 Guiding Principles For The Human Side of Advice

You’ll never truly master the human side of advice until you have the right mindset to do it. And, unfortunately, most advisors need a complete re-programming. One that wipes clean most of what you’ve been taught over the years. A mindset shift that transforms the way you approach your clients and your practice. If that …

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70: Developing The Essential Communication Skills Every Advisor Needs with Dr. Jim Grubman

70: Developing The Essential Communication Skills Every Advisor Needs with Dr. Jim Grubman

In healthcare, client outcomes and client satisfaction are directly correlated to the doctor’s “bedside manner.” The same holds true for client outcomes and satisfaction in financial planning and advice. In fact, research has shown that the #1 thing prospects look for in an advisor is “Interpersonal Skills.” And other research has confirmed that high levels …

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67: How To Guide Comfortable Conversations That Actually Inspire Change with Jeremy Keil

67: How To Guide Comfortable Conversations That Actually Inspire Change with Jeremy Keil

Every advisor has two puzzles to solve: 1) What to do 2) How to get them to do it The first requires an understanding of numbers. The second an understanding of people. Whether you’re trying to get a prospect to become a client or a client to implement your advice… One thing is certain. The …

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66: Establishing A Goal Hierarchy To Create More Meaningful Goals with Eric Trexler

66: Establishing A Goal Hierarchy To Create More Meaningful Goals with Eric Trexler

Most goal-setting exercises have one major flaw. They focus too much on WHAT someone want to accomplish rather than WHY they want to accomplish it. The best goal-setting exercises combine the two. They produce goals that are both meaningful and measurable. Goals that provide connection and clarity. And when you do that, clients are motivated, …

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65: Four Pillars Of The Ultimate Discovery Meeting

65: Four Pillars Of The Ultimate Discovery Meeting

The discovery meeting is the single most important meeting for your clients and your practice. If you’re like most, you’ve probably looked up “the best questions to ask prospects in a first meeting.” You’ve likely picked up ideas listening to podcasts with advisors explaining how they conduct their meetings. You’ve implemented the tips and tricks …

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64: A Comfortable Approach For Turning Prospects Into Clients Without Being Salesy with Nancy Bleeke

64: A Comfortable Approach For Turning Prospects Into Clients Without Being Salesy with Nancy Bleeke

You can’t help a prospect if they never become a client. You can’t help a client if they don’t implement your advice. Like it or not, both require a skillset rooted in sales. As Nancy Bleeke points out, sales isn’t about being pushy. It’s simply an information exchange. And the purpose isn’t to convince someone …

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