Month: August 2021

32: A 5-Step Planning Process For Syncing Emotional and Financial Well-Being with Amy Mullen (Part II)

32: A 5-Step Planning Process For Syncing Emotional and Financial Well-Being with Amy Mullen (Part II)

There are at least three things every financial advisor wants in their relationships with clients:

1) Great conversations and connection

2) Use their money to live a fulfilled life doing the things they love

3) Seamless buy-in and follow-through on the advice given to avoid spending time following up

Amy Mullen is the President of Money Quotient, a company that arms advisors with tools, resources, and a process to consistently deliver on all three of these things.

In Part II of our conversation, we move from the “Why” to the “How” as Amy offers up specific examples from advisors she’s worked with over the years:

  • The 5 Steps of the True Wealth™ Process
  • The case for having two separate discovery meetings
  • Why memorable conversation and lasting connecting actually starts with the mindset of the advisor
  • A structured process to help clients create a robust vision of their ideal life
  • How to plan and prepare for barriers to implementation

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

31: A 5-Step Planning Process For Syncing Emotional and Financial Well-Being with Amy Mullen (Part I)

31: A 5-Step Planning Process For Syncing Emotional and Financial Well-Being with Amy Mullen (Part I)

There are at least three things every financial advisor wants in their relationships with clients:

1) Great conversations and connection

2) Use their money to live a fulfilled life doing the things they love

3) Seamless buy-in and follow-through on the advice given to avoid spending time following up

Amy Mullen is the President of Money Quotient, a company that arms advisors with tools, resources, and a process to consistently deliver on all three of these things: great co

In Part I of our conversation, we discuss:

  • The #1 factor in determining action towards retirement goals
  • Why starting with the past is the most effective way for advisors to help client’s uncover meaningful goals
  • How a client’s inability to follow-through is likely a roadblock stemming from their past
  • The importantly subtle shift from “advice-givers” to “thinking partners”
  • Why “advice kills conversations”

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

30: Exploring the Mindsets and Motivations Driving Money Decisions with Rachel Cruze

30: Exploring the Mindsets and Motivations Driving Money Decisions with Rachel Cruze

Financial success relies just as much on knowing yourself as it does knowing what to do with money.

After spending the majority of her career teaching people what to do with their money, Rachel Cruze realized that knowing what to do wasn’t enough.

That the gap between knowing and doing is forged by how we think, feel, and behave with money (our mindset and motivations). And it’s these mindsets and motivations that drive most of our financial decision-making.

The key to behavior change and financial success is helping clients understand why they handle money the way they do and what to do about it.

In this episode, Rachel discusses:

  • The percentage of personal finance that is behavioral vs tactical
  • The Four Money Classrooms that reveal how your childhood impacts your decision-making today
  • Why dreaming is the key to boosting savings
  • The “Why Statement” that she says everybody should use to start their money conversations
  • Three insights on how to create lasting behavioral change

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here

Connect with Brendan Frazier: