Month: April 2021

21: Travis Parry | A Research-Based Method To Actually Achieve Work/Life Balance

21: Travis Parry | A Research-Based Method To Actually Achieve Work/Life Balance

For most financial advisors, the idea of work/life balance is nothing more than an illusion. Especially for those who started, survived, and thrived in the profession based on a mindset that success was simply a numbers game.

Survival and success relied upon activity. There was a direct correlation between the amount of work you put in and the reward you reaped.

Travis Parry used to live this life. But, now, he’s using his research-backed method to show advisors how to, not only, achieve work/life balance, but thrive both at work and at home.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Regaining more time by conquering the three myths of time management
  • Why “balance” is misleading and a better way to think of it
  • Prioritizing your time according to your goals and values using a Business Ideal Calendar
  • The surprising results from his research on a crucial element to goal achievement and behavior change
  • How work/life balance better equips you for the human side of advice


For more information and resources discussed in this episode, visit:

To join a community of like-minded advisors and planners around the world looking for top-notch insights and information on how to leverage behavior, psychology, communication, and emotion to master the human side of money, visit Wired Planning.

Follow Brendan:



20: George Kinder | The Future of Financial Planning is Life Planning

20: George Kinder | The Future of Financial Planning is Life Planning

Financial planning without any regard for the person’s dreams, values, and life they want to live is nothing more than numbers on paper.

A person’s dreams, values, and life they want to live without any regard for money is nothing more than a fantasy.

Life planning is simply connecting the client’s dreams and values with the strategies of financial planning that create the life of freedom that person has always envisioned.

George Kinder, the father of the life planning movement, joined the show to discuss:

  • The two pieces of advice that George gives to anyone that wants to become a great listener
  • “The Pause” – the one skill he said every advisor should know and learn
  • The two things they train advisors to listen for to enhance the conversation
  • A deep dive into the famous three questions and the best practices for applying them
  • “Lighting The Torch” – the key step in the life planning process that ignites behavior change


For more information and resources discussed in this episode, visit:

To join a community of like-minded advisors and planners around the world looking for top-notch insights and information on how to leverage behavior, psychology, communication, and emotion to master the human side of money, visit Wired Planning.

Follow Brendan:

