103: Making The Shift To Human-First Financial Guidance with Ross Marino

103: Making The Shift To Human-First Financial Guidance with Ross Marino

There’s a critical mistake made by almost every advisor around the world every single day. We focus more on the plan than the person. More on what we do than what they need. Our natural approach is plan-centric. Meanwhile, the industry is shifting towards human-first financial guidance. Fortunately, Ross Marino embraced this shift long ago …

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102: Delivering Advice That’s Easy To Implement By Making It Reasonable Not Rational

102: Delivering Advice That’s Easy To Implement By Making It Reasonable Not Rational

Lack of follow-through and implementation of advice is a wide-spread problem. One study revealed this gut-wrenching stat: 70% of clients implement less than 20% of financial planning recommendations. There are a number of reasons to explain this. A primary reason is that advisors deliver advice that looks good on a spreadsheet, but it doesn’t fit …

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101: Building A Human-First Approach Into The Fabric Of An Entire Firm with Shaun Erickson

101: Building A Human-First Approach Into The Fabric Of An Entire Firm with Shaun Erickson

In 2012, Shaun Erickson founded Single Point Partners because he wanted to do something different. As a solo advisor at the time, his primary focus was on building a process with one main focus: Building it around the client’s agenda (a.k.a. – the things that matter most to the client). Fast forward to 2023, and …

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100: A Collection of Advisor Stories Telling The Power of The Human Side

100: A Collection of Advisor Stories Telling The Power of The Human Side

Mastering the human side of advice will: Enrich your clients’ lives Enhance your relationships with clients Forever change the trajectory of your business/career Think it sounds too good to be true? Listen to these 7 stories from advisors around the world sharing how the human side has made their clients and their practice infinitely better …

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99: Understanding How Your Client’s Past And Future Impacts Financial Decisions Today

99: Understanding How Your Client’s Past And Future Impacts Financial Decisions Today

Your client isn’t just the person sitting in front of you today. It’s who’ll they become 30 years from now. And, it’s who they were 30 years ago. They might be making a decision in the present. But, their decisions in the present are shaped by the experiences of their past and influenced by their …

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98: Creating A Unique Money Vision To Build A Client’s Ideal Life with Jake Northrup

98: Creating A Unique Money Vision To Build A Client’s Ideal Life with Jake Northrup

It’s one thing for advisors to say they want to get better at the human side. It’s another thing to actually start making changes to your processes and conversations. And, it’s another thing entirely to have your entire meeting process and deliverables focused on the human side. Yet, that’s exactly what Jake Northrup has done. …

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97: A Blueprint For Conducting “Re-Discovery” Meetings With Long-Time Clients with Meghaan Lurtz

97: A Blueprint For Conducting “Re-Discovery” Meetings With Long-Time Clients with Meghaan Lurtz

Let’s face it…most advisor’s meetings with long-term clients are lackluster. You ask about life, the kids, any changes in their life, etc. Then, you tell them that everything looks good. They’re still on track. They leave and you do it all over again next year. And, that’s not bad. But, there’s a better way. There’s …

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96: Why Advisors Shouldn’t Give Advice (And What To Do Instead)

96: Why Advisors Shouldn’t Give Advice (And What To Do Instead)

The relationship dynamic between advisors and clients is shifting. It’s shifting away from treating the plan and towards treating the person. The old model was the financial advisor as the “advice giver.” Treating the problem by dispensing advice.  The new model has the advisor playing the role of “thinking partner.” It goes like this: Diagnose …

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95: Navigating The Dynamics Of Working With Couples And Money with Ashley Quamme

95: Navigating The Dynamics Of Working With Couples And Money with Ashley Quamme

Every advisor remembers sitting in a meeting with a couple where one person is engaged and the other hasn’t said a word. Or the meeting with the couple whose goals aren’t aligned. While working with couples certainly has its challenges, it’s also an opportunity for advisors to help couples align and thrive financially. But, doing …

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94: Why Clients Actually Hire & Fire Their Financial Advisors with Samantha Lamas and Danielle Labotka

94: Why Clients Actually Hire & Fire Their Financial Advisors with Samantha Lamas and Danielle Labotka

If you want to convert more prospects into life-long clients… You need to know the answer to two questions: 1) Why do people hire a financial advisor? 2) Why do people fire their financial advisor? They just might be the two most important questions for any advisory business. Fortunately, Samantha Lamas and Danielle Labotka did …

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