111: The Most Important Skill In Financial Advice

111: The Most Important Skill In Financial Advice

There is one skill that will impact your success and your client’s success more than anything else. The ability to listen. More specifically, the ability to listen with empathy and curiosity. In this episode, we’ll look at: The neuroscience and benefits of listening 3 ideas to instantly improve your listening skills An advisor testimonial on …

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[GREATEST HITS] Episode 18: Understanding A Client’s Money Mindset In Order To Maximize Their Well-Being with Sarah Newcomb

[GREATEST HITS] Episode 18: Understanding A Client’s Money Mindset In Order To Maximize Their Well-Being with Sarah Newcomb

The greatest barrier for every client isn’t lack of information. It’s their own mindset and behavior. Whether it’s someone who over-spends, someone who under-spends, someone who wants to sell out at the worst possible time, or even the person who never sends in the data you need… The key to changing their behavior starts with …

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110: Leveraging Client Feedback To Create Meaningful Conversations And Engaged Clients with Julie Littlechild

110: Leveraging Client Feedback To Create Meaningful Conversations And Engaged Clients with Julie Littlechild

Research consistently shows that >90% of clients are satisfied. At first glance, it sounds like a good thing. But, if over 90% of clients are satisfied, then client satisfaction ceases to be a differentiator. It’s now tablestakes. Which then prompts the question: “Should we be aiming for something more than satisfaction?” Julie Littlechild suggests we …

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109: How To Deliver Advice That Clients Actually Follow

109: How To Deliver Advice That Clients Actually Follow

If you want your clients to actually follow-through on the advice you give, you have to shift your approach. You have to shift from “Advisor-Driven” to “Client-Inspired” advice. Client-inspired advice provides the client with: 1) Control 2) Confidence 3) Autonomy And, when you can provide these three things, it paves the way to behavior change …

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108: The Secrets To Communicate With Confidence In Any Situation with Matt Abrahams

108: The Secrets To Communicate With Confidence In Any Situation with Matt Abrahams

Your success in this profession and the quality of your relationships are directly correlated with your communication skills. Think about the communication you have with clients and prospects. It’s almost always “spontaneous communication.” It’s not planned, prepared or scripted. For example, you’re meeting with a prospective client and they say, “These fees seem high.” That comment wasn’t …

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107: The Communication Superpower For Creating Authority And Urgency with Sten Morgan

107: The Communication Superpower For Creating Authority And Urgency with Sten Morgan

Most financial advisors’ meetings are underwhelming. They typically include a mix of small talk, dialogue, fact-finding and a less-than-riveting display of numbers and charts. It’s the main reason why prospects leave your office and don’t respond for months (if ever), despite the fact that they need help. And you knew you could help them. It’s …

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106: The Trust Mandate: How To Build High-Trust Relationships With Clients And Prospects with Herman Brodie

106: The Trust Mandate: How To Build High-Trust Relationships With Clients And Prospects with Herman Brodie

Trust is the foundation of success in financial advice. You need trust to get prospects to become clients. And you need trust to get clients to follow-through and do the things you ask them to do. Without trust, you have no business. But, if you know how to consistently build trust with both prospects and …

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105: The Importance of Giving Advice That Sticks with Dr. Moira Somers (Repost)

105: The Importance of Giving Advice That Sticks with Dr. Moira Somers (Repost)

The perfect plan is rendered useless in the absence of execution. Or, as Dr. Moira Somers says: “What’s the point of technically proficient advice if the client won’t act on it?” You would think that providing someone a step-by-step plan to accomplish their goals would be all that’s needed to spur someone into action. But, …

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103: Making The Shift To Human-First Financial Guidance with Ross Marino

103: Making The Shift To Human-First Financial Guidance with Ross Marino

There’s a critical mistake made by almost every advisor around the world every single day. We focus more on the plan than the person. More on what we do than what they need. Our natural approach is plan-centric. Meanwhile, the industry is shifting towards human-first financial guidance. Fortunately, Ross Marino embraced this shift long ago …

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