24: Improving Client Decisions and Behavior Using Brain Science with Graeme Newell

24: Improving Client Decisions and Behavior Using Brain Science with Graeme Newell

One of the main challenges for financial advisors when it comes to applying behavioral finance is as simple as this: it’s a lot easier to construct a financial plan than to deconstruct your client’s emotions. Graeme Newell has been helping financial advisors better understand what goes on in their client’s minds by literally putting them …

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23: The Best Question To Ask Prospects In A First Meeting

23: The Best Question To Ask Prospects In A First Meeting

Research shows asking great questions builds trust, establishes likability and uncovers valuable information. Which is why asking great questions forms the foundation of a successful first meeting that converts a prospect into a lifelong client. This episode is meant to be a guide for advisors to hone your question-asking abilities, so you can enhance client …

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22: Jay Mooreland | Applying Behavioral Finance Principles To Coach Clients and Differentiate Your Business

22: Jay Mooreland | Applying Behavioral Finance Principles To Coach Clients and Differentiate Your Business

Ask any financial advisor if behavioral finance plays an important role in delivering ideal outcomes to clients, and you’ll get a resounding “Yes.” Ask those same advisors if they know exactly what to say and do to seamlessly apply behavioral finance, and you’ll get a resounding “No!” Knowing someone is suffering from loss-aversion helps explain why …

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21: Travis Parry | A Research-Based Method To Actually Achieve Work/Life Balance

21: Travis Parry | A Research-Based Method To Actually Achieve Work/Life Balance

For most financial advisors, the idea of work/life balance is nothing more than an illusion. Especially for those who started, survived, and thrived in the profession based on a mindset that success was simply a numbers game. Survival and success relied upon activity. There was a direct correlation between the amount of work you put …

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20: George Kinder | The Future of Financial Planning is Life Planning

20: George Kinder | The Future of Financial Planning is Life Planning

Financial planning without any regard for the person’s dreams, values, and life they want to live is nothing more than numbers on paper. A person’s dreams, values, and life they want to live without any regard for money is nothing more than a fantasy. Life planning is simply connecting the client’s dreams and values with …

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19: Brian Portnoy | Mapping Money To Meaning On The Path To Funded Contentment

19: Brian Portnoy | Mapping Money To Meaning On The Path To Funded Contentment

There is zero correlation between the size of your bank account and the overall contentment and happiness of your life. If you’ve worked with people and their finances long enough, you’ve seen it time and time again.  But, once you can align money with meaning, you have the foundation of a happy, meaningful life. Doing …

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18: Sarah Newcomb | Understanding a Client’s Money Mindset In Order to Maximize Their Well-Being

18: Sarah Newcomb | Understanding a Client’s Money Mindset In Order to Maximize Their Well-Being

The greatest barrier for every client isn’t lack of information. It’s their own mindset and behavior. Whether it’s someone who over-spends, someone who under-spends, someone who wants to sell out at the worst possible time, or even the person who never sends in the data you need, the key to changing their behavior starts with …

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17: Adrian Murphy | Delivering Human-First Financial Planning With A Chief Behavioral Officer

17: Adrian Murphy | Delivering Human-First Financial Planning With A Chief Behavioral Officer

Adrian Murphy is the CEO of Murphy Wealth, a multi-award winning financial planning firm in the UK. Most recently, his firm made waves throughout the industry with the announcement that they were hiring a Chief Behavioral Officer as a part of their transition to a “human-first” strategy. In this episode, we discuss: The decision to …

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16: Joy Lere | Changing Behavior By Focusing On Communication and Connection

16: Joy Lere | Changing Behavior By Focusing On Communication and Connection

When it comes to changing someone’s behavior, much of the focus goes to persuasion and nudging techniques. In reality, for financial advisors, the primary weapon of influence you have over someone’s behavior is your ability to communicate and connect at the highest level. Dr. Joy Lere is a licensed clinical psychologist and behavioral finance consultant …

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15: Moira Somers | The Importance of Giving Advice That Sticks (Part Two)

15: Moira Somers | The Importance of Giving Advice That Sticks (Part Two)

Dr. Moira Somers, financial psychologist and author of the best-selling book Advice That Sticks: How to Give Financial Advice People Will Follow, consults with advisors and firms around the world to deliver “stickier” advice that leads to more follow-through and implementation. In Part Two of the conversation, Brendan and Moira discuss: A specific process to use …

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