Category: Behavioral Finance

76: Emotionally-Compelling Conversations To Fast-Track Trust And Likability with Deirdre Van Nest

76: Emotionally-Compelling Conversations To Fast-Track Trust And Likability with Deirdre Van Nest

We all know that human beings buy on emotion and justify with logic.

Yet, when meeting with a prospect, the majority of advisors default to leading with logic rather than emotion.

The success of your prospect meeting hinges on your ability to communicate in a way that takes them out of their heads and into their hearts.

Once you do that, you can create a level of trust in 3 minutes that often takes 3 years.

Fortunately, Deirdre Van Nest works with advisors on the keys to communicating in an emotionally compelling way to fast-track trust and likability in the first meeting.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Keys to making yourself relatable in a first meeting
  • Why the purpose of a prospect meeting shouldn’t be determining fit
  • A superpower to get prospects to decide faster
  • Getting someone to open up by “flipping the script”
  • The importance of a “Why” story to explain what you do
  • The magical question to ask at the beginning of the meeting

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

75: Understanding The Brain To Ignite Motivation Within Clients And Prospects With Ted Klontz

75: Understanding The Brain To Ignite Motivation Within Clients And Prospects With Ted Klontz

Financial advice requires working with money and people.

Working with money is the easy part. You need a calculator and some decent math skills.

Working with people is the hard part. You need an understanding of what goes on in their brain.

Ted Klontz says, “The more you understand how the brain works, the more effective you’ll be working with people.” In this episode, he reveals what advisors need to know about the brain in order to create motivation and connections with clients and prospects.

We discuss:

  • How to effectively communicate to the decision-making part of the brain
  • Why palm trees are better than graphs for improving financial behavior
  • What car dealers and ice cream stores teach us about prospect conversations
  • A must-ask question for every prospect coming from a previous advisor
  • Three keys to developing exquisite listening skills
  • Why 8 of 10 people who come to you aren’t actually ready for advice

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

74: Positioning Behavioral Coaching, Top 3 BeFi Ideas, and Introducing Values to Long-Time Clients

74: Positioning Behavioral Coaching, Top 3 BeFi Ideas, and Introducing Values to Long-Time Clients

This is the inaugural “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode.

Whether it’s been emails, Twitter DM’s, LinkedIn messages, one-off virtual meetings, coaching sessions, or at a conference, one thing has become clear about financial advisors and the human side of advice.

You guys have questions. A lot of really good questions and I want to help you answer them on your path to mastering the human side of advice.

I’ve got an ongoing list of questions, so if you have a question that you want answered, send it to me via email, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Whether you should communicate the value of behavioral coaching to a prospect
  • The top 3 behavioral finance ideas to immediately make an impact in your next meeting
  • How to confidently introduce a “values” conversation with a client you’ve had for 10+ years

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

73: The Evolution Of The “Human Dimension” And Helping Clients “Live Big” with Dave Yeske

73: The Evolution Of The “Human Dimension” And Helping Clients “Live Big” with Dave Yeske

Everything changed during FPA Retreat in Cheyenne County, Colorado in 1995.

Up to that point, the focus of these gatherings, conferences and presentations was the continued honing of technical knowledge.

But, this presentation by George Kinder and Dick Wagner brought the human side of advice into the light. Dave Yeske was in attendance that day and calls the presentation a turning point for the human dimension within financial advice.

In this conversation, he describes exactly what it was like to be at that 1995 meeting and details how Yeske Buie helps clients define their “Live Big®” life.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why embracing the human dimension is top of mind over the next 5 years
  • “What’s the story?’ – A question to move clients toward their ideal life
  • “Live Big Ideas” – A list of non-financial ways to enhance your life
  • “Connecting the Dots” – A script for making recommendations that resonate
  • A sign that a client/prospect truly understands the point you’re trying to make

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

72: The Power Of Finding Flow For Advisors And Clients with Dr. Jordan Hutchison

72: The Power Of Finding Flow For Advisors And Clients with Dr. Jordan Hutchison

Think back to a time when you were “in the zone.”

A time when you were completely immersed and focused on what you were doing. Psychologists refer to this as “flow.”

It’s a state of mind that athletes and creative artists describe when they’re operating at their peak.A flow state elicits greater enjoyment, energy, and involvement in what you’re doing.

So, imagine if you could learn how to apply it for yourself and your clients.

Fortunately, Dr. Jordan Hutchison has done the research and shares how to use “flow” to improve productivity, creativity, and well-being for both advisors and clients.

We discuss:

  • The all-encompassing benefits of “flow”
  • How to trigger a “flow state”
  • Why “practice and rehearse” was the best advice he received
  • The “Life Priorities” exercise he considers to be one of the best he’s seen
  • Putting a “behavioral bow” on meetings to end with a bang 

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

71: 9 Guiding Principles For The Human Side of Advice

71: 9 Guiding Principles For The Human Side of Advice

You’ll never truly master the human side of advice until you have the right mindset to do it.

And, unfortunately, most advisors need a complete re-programming. One that wipes clean most of what you’ve been taught over the years. A mindset shift that transforms the way you approach your clients and your practice.

If that sounds daunting, don’t worry. I’ve distilled it into 9 guiding principles.

Once you’ve fully embraced these 9 principles, you’ll have the foundation to master the human side of advice in a way very few advisors ever will.

We discuss:

  • Why you should focus less on what people want to accomplish
  • What prospects/clients ACTUALLY want and how to deliver
  • Why there’s no such thing as an irrational decision
  • Why life always comes before money in your process

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

70: Developing The Essential Communication Skills Every Advisor Needs with Dr. Jim Grubman

70: Developing The Essential Communication Skills Every Advisor Needs with Dr. Jim Grubman

In healthcare, client outcomes and client satisfaction are directly correlated to the doctor’s “bedside manner.”

The same holds true for client outcomes and satisfaction in financial planning and advice. In fact, research has shown that the #1 thing prospects look for in an advisor is “Interpersonal Skills.”

But how do you create trust and improve your interpersonal skills?

Fortunately, Dr. Jim Grubman built programs for advisors on how to hone and develop essential communication skills.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why courage is a conversational superpower
  • The two essential communication skills every advisor needs
  • The biggest communication mistake almost every advisor makes
  • The different “levels” of conversation
  • Detecting the “signals” clients send when they want to go deeper

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

69: The Psychology of Referrals (Part II) with Dan Allison

69: The Psychology of Referrals (Part II) with Dan Allison

Ever wondered why you don’t get more referrals from your clients?

Good News: Most advisors have a client base that’s willing to refer.

Bad News: Most clients aren’t capable of executing a referral.

Armed with this information, Dan Allison designed a comfortable process for advisors that creates clients who are both willing and able to refer. And once you combine the two, the referral floodgates are opened and the trajectory of your business will never be the same.

We discuss:

  • The 5 characteristics for creating clients that are willing and able to refer
  • The #1 reason clients say they don’t refer
  • The biggest mistakes advisors make when asking for referrals
  • Goldmines vs Landmines: How to identify the clients you want to refer
  • The referral mindset advisors must have

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals.

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

68: The Best Ideas & Insights From 2022

68: The Best Ideas & Insights From 2022

The Human Side of Money in 2022:

  • Released 28 episodes
  • Had 21 conversations with expert guests
  • Delivered 2,342 minutes of content on the human side of advice

Inside those 28 episodes, 21 conversations and 2,342 minutes lie hundreds of ideas, insights, and nuggets that will do two things:

1) Enhance and enrich your clients’ lives

2) Forever change the trajectory of your business and career

But, there were certain ideas inside each episode and conversation that delivered more impact than others. Certain insights and nuggets that move the needle a little bit further.

In this episode, I go back through each conversation from 2022 and extract the most impactful ideas and insights advisors need to know.

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals.

Connect with Brendan Frazier: 

67: How To Guide Comfortable Conversations That Actually Inspire Change with Jeremy Keil

67: How To Guide Comfortable Conversations That Actually Inspire Change with Jeremy Keil

Every advisor has two puzzles to solve: What to do and how to get them to do it!

The first requires an understanding of numbers. The second is an understanding of people.

Whether you’re trying to get a prospect to become a client or a client to implement your advice…One thing is certain. 

The least effective way to get them to do something is to push or persuade them. The most effective way is to get people to persuade themselves.

There’s a communication technique that does just that called “motivational interviewing.” Fortunately, Jeremy Keil is trained in motivational interviewing and uses it with prospects and clients every single day.

We discuss:

  • The crucial change he made in his connection meeting with prospects
  • His intentional office design to foster comfortable conversation
  • The power of asking permission before giving any advice
  • The “righting reflex” clients experience when you give advice
  • The importance of acknowledging clients as experts in their own lives

To sign up for Brendan’s monthly newsletter focused on the human side of advice → Click Here


  • The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals

Connect with Brendan Frazier: