103: Making The Shift To Human-First Financial Guidance with Ross Marino

103: Making The Shift To Human-First Financial Guidance with Ross Marino

There’s a critical mistake made by almost every advisor around the world every single day.

We focus more on the plan than the person.

More on what we do than what they need.

Our natural approach is plan-centric. Meanwhile, the industry is shifting towards human-first financial guidance.

Fortunately, Ross Marino embraced this shift long ago and built a firm that specializes in human-first financial guidance.

And, he’s also leading the charge to help advisors around the world do the same.

He tells us what led to him embracing the shift to human-first financial guidance and provides a simple framework to apply with prospects and clients.

Things You’ll Learn:

  • The “staple question” to start every meeting
  • The two questions he asks in his “Re-Discovery” meetings
  • Why the industry is shifting towards human-first financial guidance
  • Why Ross decided to do “Re-Discovery” meetings with every client
  • The Transitus Process: 4 questions to spark meaningful conversations


The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals.

*For more resources discussed in this episode –> Go Here.

*To receive the monthly “Wisdom Round-Up” newsletter full of practical ways to apply the human side of advice –> Go Here.

*Follow Brendan for insights on mastering the human side of advice:



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