92: Systems That Scale Human-To-Human Connection Throughout An Advisory Business with Libby Greiwe

92: Systems That Scale Human-To-Human Connection Throughout An Advisory Business with Libby Greiwe

There’s a dilemma that every financial advisor eventually comes face-to-face with.

It’s when you realize that you have too little time and need to be more efficient.

At the same time, you also know that the real differentiator for your business is human-to-human connection.

And you start wondering, “Can I still be efficient without sacrificing the human connection?”

Or, “Is it possible to maximize efficiency and the human connection at the same time?”

Fortunately, Libby Greiwe figured out how to be more efficient and more human at the same time.

And, in this episode, she reveals the exact systems she built to scale the human-to-human connection throughout her advisory business.

Things you’ll learn:

  • Using an “Ideal Client Avatar” to humanize communication
  • The crucial psychological shift she made from “guru” to “sherpa”
  • The system she used to make every person feel like her #1 client
  • The power and importance of asking “How do I want my clients to feel?”
  • An example of an advisor re-writing an email to create more connection


The featured partner for this episode is Knudge, an automated system to help clients actually follow through on their tasks and reach their financial goals.

*For more resources discussed in this episode -> Go Here.

*For more resources and insights on mastering the human side of advice, go to www.wiredplanning.com.

*Follow Brendan for insights on mastering the human side of advice:



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