46: Defining “Enough” And “Off The Balance Sheet” Conversations with Jeremy Walter

46: Defining “Enough” And “Off The Balance Sheet” Conversations with Jeremy Walter

In an industry that praises the relentless pursuit of growth, Jeremy Walter chose to pursue “enough.”

He chose to optimize for satisfaction rather than revenue.

But, as Jeremy learned, even crafting a business with intention has its own set of challenges when you’ve been preached “grow, grow, grow” your whole career.

Jeremy shares his journey to building his current advisory business, his process for having “off the balance sheet” conversations with clients, and how he uses his one-page financial plan.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How Jeremy defined “enough” for himself and his family
  • How he handles the mental challenges of being content in a growth-oriented industry
  • Why a “Discovery Meeting Recap” email has been so powerful
  • “Generosity Philosophy” – Jeremy’s favorite method to deepen the conversation and focus on values
  • What his values-based one-page financial plan looks like

And way more!

*For more resources discussed in this episode, check out www.wiredplanning.com/episode46

*For more resources and insights on mastering the human side of money (including our popular “Wisdom Round-Up” email), go to www.wiredplanning.com.

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