21: Travis Parry | A Research-Based Method To Actually Achieve Work/Life Balance

21: Travis Parry | A Research-Based Method To Actually Achieve Work/Life Balance

For most financial advisors, the idea of work/life balance is nothing more than an illusion. Especially for those who started, survived, and thrived in the profession based on a mindset that success was simply a numbers game.

Survival and success relied upon activity. There was a direct correlation between the amount of work you put in and the reward you reaped.

Travis Parry used to live this life. But, now, he’s using his research-backed method to show advisors how to, not only, achieve work/life balance, but thrive both at work and at home.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Regaining more time by conquering the three myths of time management
  • Why “balance” is misleading and a better way to think of it
  • Prioritizing your time according to your goals and values using a Business Ideal Calendar
  • The surprising results from his research on a crucial element to goal achievement and behavior change
  • How work/life balance better equips you for the human side of advice


For more information and resources discussed in this episode, visit: www.wiredplanning.com/episode21

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