Month: February 2021

16: Joy Lere | Changing Behavior By Focusing On Communication and Connection

16: Joy Lere | Changing Behavior By Focusing On Communication and Connection

When it comes to changing someone’s behavior, much of the focus goes to persuasion and nudging techniques.

In reality, for financial advisors, the primary weapon of influence you have over someone’s behavior is your ability to communicate and connect at the highest level.

Dr. Joy Lere is a licensed clinical psychologist and behavioral finance consultant who has spent her entire career learning to communicate and connect with her clients to give them clarity, build trust, and ultimately change their behavior for the better.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Ways to create “space” for someone to open up and share more than they do with most people
  • Reading body language and posture and effective ways to address it
  • What Joy would tell herself 10 years ago about how to get better at reading people
  • How to identify a “presenting” issue to know that there’s more to what a client is telling you
  • A powerful questioning technique to get someone to make changes
  • The two points in your life that have the biggest impact on your beliefs and behaviors around money

And more!

For more information and resources discussed in this episode, visit:

To join a community of like-minded advisors and planners around the world looking for top-notch insights and information on how to leverage behavior, psychology, communication, and emotion to master the human side of money, visit Wired Planning.

Follow Brendan:



15: Moira Somers | The Importance of Giving Advice That Sticks (Part Two)

15: Moira Somers | The Importance of Giving Advice That Sticks (Part Two)

Dr. Moira Somers, financial psychologist and author of the best-selling book Advice That Sticks: How to Give Financial Advice People Will Follow, consults with advisors and firms around the world to deliver “stickier” advice that leads to more follow-through and implementation.

In Part Two of the conversation, Brendan and Moira discuss:

  • A specific process to use at the end of every meeting to drastically improve follow-through
  • The biggest mistake advisors make when trying to get clients to follow-through (also the most common)
  • A specific process for the beginning of every meeting to make your advice stickier
  • The #1 piece of advice Moira gives any advisor looking to improve their meetings, relationships, and follow-through
  • What studies show is the primary determinant of client satisfaction in a meeting

And more!

For more information and resources discussed in this episode, visit:

To join a community of like-minded advisors and planners around the world looking for top-notch insights and information on how to leverage behavior, psychology, communication, and emotion to master the human side of money, visit Wired Planning.

Follow Brendan:

